UCP of the Golden Gate Life without limits for people with disabilities™


KTLP Survey Confirms Budget Cuts Catastrophic – 1/2012

A KTLP online survey launched in November, and completed by over 250 organizations representing over 1,000 vendored providers, shows that services for individuals with developmental disabilities have reached a “tipping point” in their efforts to provide quality services and supports in the wake of continuing cuts and freezes. Even if no further cuts are forthcoming, many programs may not make it through the next year.

The most shocking findings of the survey are that 10% of the responding organizations say they are within a year of going out of business if present trends continue, and over 33% report they are on the verge of having to close or consolidate programs/services in order to survive.

Read the full KTLP survey – In Danger of Collapse: A Survey of the Community Services System for People with Developmental Disabilities.

Posted on February 8th, 2012