UCP of the Golden Gate Life without limits for people with disabilities™


Around San Ramon: Across the glacier by wheelchair – 1/21/2011

Josh Routh greets all his customers with a smile five days a week at the Nob Hill Foods store in San Ramon. He works out at Fitness 19 when time permits on his days off, volunteers at the School of Imagination in Dublin, a school where half the students are autistic, meets with a job coach, lives on his own, balances his checkbook, cooks his meals, pays his bills, and takes vacations each year to work with the Wheelchair Foundation delivering wheelchairs worldwide and delivering supplies and smiles to an orphanage in Mexico. His life is full and his weekly schedule would be an ambitious one for anyone. Did I forget to mention — Josh Routh also has cerebral palsy …

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Posted on January 21st, 2011